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Reference 02

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Terms of use of this website

Privacy Policy
Nordic Glass Solutions is committed to ensuring that you are comfortable using this website
In our privacy policy you can read more about how we collect, process and protect personal data.

Browser support
The site is optimized with a focus on responsive design. This means that when you visit on your smartphone or tablet, the layout is adapted to your screen size. To display the content correctly, it is important that you use a browser that supports PHP, HTML and Java.

The website is optimized for the following browsers
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 (note that IE8, 9, 10 is not supported in Windows XP

The content on and underlying pages is a service to our customers, partners and other stakeholders. The content on the website is provided for information and is of a general nature. Nordic Glass Solutions endeavors to keep the information and functions on the website correct and updated, but cannot guarantee this and therefore assumes no liability for errors or omissions.
Nordic Glass Solutions reserves the right to change, replace or delete parts of the content and may restrict access to or discontinue distribution of the website at any time and at its sole discretion.Nordic Glass Solutions endeavors to keep the website free of viruses and the like, but we cannot guarantee this. We recommend that you take appropriate security measures at home and scan for viruses and other malicious code.
Nordic Glass Solutions cannot be held liable for any damage, loss, etc. arising from this.The website contains links to other sites on the Internet. We have no way of checking the content or availability of these links and therefore disclaim any liability for them.

Ownership and intellectual property rights:
The content of this website is the property of Nordic Glass Solutions. Nordic Glass Solutions reserves all title, copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights in the website and the trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and products displayed on the website, which may not be used without the prior written consent of Nordic Glass Solutions, unless it is clearly stated that the material may be used without consent. However, if the website states that parts of the material can be used without prior consent, the indications under which the material can be used must be respected

Data collection on the website 
When you use, you accept that we collect information via cookies and contact information.
The first type of information is the non-identifiable information. Nordic Glass Solutions cannot identify you by your use of this website.
The second type of information Nordic Glass Solutions collects is personal data that can be used to identify you.
Nordic Glass Solutions processes the following personal data

Contact information
Your phone number and name if you call
Your email address if you write to emails with the domain

How do we receive information about you on the website? 
We collect information about you from different places: 
When Nordic Glass Solutions via email or by phone asks for more detailed information
When you move around
From external partners such as our hosting service, website program and mail hosting. 
Read more about your personal data in our privacy policy here.

Plugins and privacy protection
Nordic Glass Solutions uses various widgets on this website to provide you with the best user experience and service. Some of the widgets used by Nordic Glass Solutions contribute to the collection of personal data. This applies, for example, to the contact form on the site. 
This website only asks for the data that is strictly necessary to help you further. 
Personal data is treated confidentially and is not disclosed to third parties. Data sent via the website is encrypted via an SSL certificate and cannot be accessed by third parties.

Your rights
Read the privacy policy here.

Read the privacy policy here.

By clicking on the Nordic Glass Solutions website, you agree to the use of cookies.
Cookies are small text files containing letters and numbers that are stored on your computer. Whether or not this happens depends on your computer's settings, but we cannot use cookies to see exactly who you are and where in the country you are from, your IP address or any other personally identifiable details. I'm not interested in that information either. We use statistics from W/O Code to improve the ongoing development of the site so that it works optimally for you. 
You can read more about cookies at:
You can find instructions for deleting or blocking cookies here.
You can undo acceptance of cookies and read about the cookies Nordic Glass Solutions uses below.

This site uses the following cookies
a. 'session cookies' which are stored only temporarily during a browsing session in order to allow normal use of the system and are deleted from your device when the browser is closed; 
b. 'persistent cookies' which are read only by the Site, saved on your computer for a fixed period and are not deleted when the browser is closed. Such cookies are used where we need to know who you are for repeat visits, for example to allow us to store your preferences for the next sign-in; 
c. 'third party cookies' which are set by other online services who run content on the page you are viewing, for example by third party analytics companies who monitor and analyze our web access.

Løsninger vi er stolte af

FLUGT Museum

Ovenlys, facade system, entréfacade i glas og limtræ
Project: Flugt Museum
Arkitekt: BIG
Hovedentreprenør: Nem BYG
Byggeperiode: 2021- 22
System: Structural Glazing, Customized ovenlys, Træ/ Glas entré facade

FLUGT Museum

Ovenlys, facade system, entréfacade i glas og limtræ
Project: Flugt Museum
Arkitekt: BIG
Hovedentreprenør: Nem BYG
Byggeperiode: 2021- 22
System: Structural Glazing, Customized ovenlys, Træ/ Glas entré facade

FLUGT Museum

Ovenlys, facade system, entréfacade i glas og limtræ
Project: Flugt Museum
Arkitekt: BIG
Hovedentreprenør: Nem BYG
Byggeperiode: 2021- 22
System: Structural Glazing, Customized ovenlys, Træ/ Glas entré facade

FLUGT Museum

Ovenlys, facade system, entréfacade i glas og limtræ
Project: Flugt Museum
Arkitekt: BIG
Hovedentreprenør: Nem BYG
Byggeperiode: 2021- 22
System: Structural Glazing, Customized ovenlys, Træ/ Glas entré facade

Our partners

Follow us on Instagram for the latest developments and projects we are working on