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Reference 02

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Privacy policy

1. General
1.1 This policy on the processing of personal data ("Personal data policy") describes how Nordic Glass Solution collects and processes information about you.
1.2 The personal data policy applies to personal data that you submit to us on our website.
1.3 All inquiries to Nordic Glass Solution can be done via the contact information listed under section 7. 2.

2. What personal data do we collect, for what purposes and the legal basis for the processing
2.1 When you visit our website, information is automatically collected about you and your use of, for example about what type of browser you use, what search terms you use on, including your network location and information about your computer.
2.1.1 The purpose is to optimize the user experience and function and carry out targeted marketing.
2.1.2 The legal basis for the processing is that the Data Controller can pursue a legitimate interest.
2.2 When you register for our contact form, information is collected about your name, e-mail address and any mobile number.
2.2.1 The purpose is to be able to deliver contact you.
2.2.2 The legal basis for the processing is that the data subject has given consent.
2.3 When you communicate with Nordic Glass Solutions employees for cooperation and other tasks, information is collected about your name, e email address, mobile number, as well as other personal data on social media and by email with Nordic Glass Solutions employees.
2.3.1 The purpose is to create partnerships across and other tasks we prepare for our customers.
2.3.2 The legal basis for the processing is that the registered person has given consent.

3. Recipients of personal data
3.1 Information about your name, address, e-mail, telephone number will not be passed on to another party without the consent of the data controller and a data processing agreement with the sub-processor.
3.2 Information may be entrusted to external business partners who process the information on our behalf. We use external partners for hosting. These companies are data processors and under our instructions process data for which we are mainly data processors. The data processors may not use the information for any purpose other than fulfilling the agreement with us and are subject to confidentiality regarding this. We have entered into written data processing agreements with all data processors who process personal data on our behalf.
3.3 Four of these data processors, Google Analytics v/Google LLC. and Facebook Inc., Inc. and Microsoft Cooporation is established in the USA. The necessary guarantees for the transfer of information to the USA are ensured through the data processor's certification under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, cf. EU Personal Data Regulation art. 45.

4. Your rights
4.1 In order to create transparency regarding the processing of your information, Nordic Glass Solution as Data Processor must inform you about your rights.
4.2 The right of access
4.2.1 You are entitled at any time to request Nordic Glass Solution for information about, among other things, which information we have registered about you, what purpose the registration serves, which categories of personal data and recipients of information may may be, as well as information about where the information originates from.
4.2.2 You have the right to be provided with a copy of the personal data that we process about you. If you want a copy of your personal data, you must send a written request to You may be asked to document that you are who you say you are.
4.3 The right to rectification
4.3.1 You have the right to have incorrect personal data about yourself corrected by us. If you become aware that there are errors in the information that we have registered about you, you are encouraged to contact us in writing so that the information can be corrected.
4.3.2 Information that we have collected in connection with your registration for our newsletter, you have the option to correct it yourself in the unsubscribe link in one of the receiving newsletters.
4.4 The right to deletion
4.4.1 In certain cases, you have the right to have all or some of your personal data deleted, e.g. if you revoke your consent , and we have no other legal basis for continuing the processing. To the extent that continued processing of your information is necessary, e.g. so that we can comply with our legal obligations, or so that legal claims can be established, asserted or defended, Nordic Glass Solution is not obliged to delete your personal data.
4.5 The right to limit the processing to storage
4.5.1 You have the right in certain cases to have the processing of your personal data limited to storage only, e.g. if you believe that the information we process about you is incorrect.
4.6 The right to data portability
4.6.1 In certain cases, you have the right to have personal data that you yourself have provided to us delivered in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and you have the right to transfer this information to another Data Controller.
4.7 The right to objection
4.7.1 You also have the right at any time, for reasons relating to your personal situation, to object to the processing of your personal data that we carry out on the basis of our legitimate interests.
4.8 The right to revoke consent
4.8.1 You have at any time the right to revoke a consent you have given for a given processing of personal data. If you wish to revoke your consent, please contact us at
4.9 The right to complain
4.9.1 You have the right to lodge a complaint at any time with the Danish Data Protection Authority, Borgergade 28, 5, 1300 København K about our processing of your personal data

5. Deletion of personal data
5.1 Information collected about your use of our website cf. pt. 2.1. deleted at the latest when you have not used the Website for 2 years.
5.2 Information collected in connection with your registration for our newsletters is deleted when your consent to the newsletter is withdrawn, unless we have another basis for processing the information.

6. Security
6.1 We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational security measures against personal data being accidentally or illegally destroyed, lost, changed or degraded, as well as against unauthorized access or misuse.
6.2 Only employees who have a real need to gain access to your personal data in order to carry out their work, have access to these.

7. Contact information
7.1 Nordic Glass Solution is the data controller for the personal data that is collected in connection with traffic on
7.2 If you have questions or comments about this personal data policy, or you wish to make use of one or more of your rights described in point 4, you can contact:
Nordic Glass Solution
Brunhøjvej 8, 1. th
8680 Ry
Tlf. 2521 1322

8. Cookies
8.1 You can read about Nordic Glass Solutions use of cookies here.​​

9. Changes to the personal data policy
9.1 If we make changes to the personal data policy, a new version will be uploaded here on the website

10. Versions
This is the 1st version of Nordic Glass Solutions personal data policy. It was last modified on 25 May 2022.

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Hovedentreprenør: Nem BYG
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